Exercise Tips for Seniors: Overcoming the Barriers to Fitness for Older Adults
Engaging in a routine exercise regimen is daunting at any age. Working out is tiring. We don’t want to invest the time. We’re feeling sore from yesterday’s workout. We’ve all made excuses like these for not working out; but frailty and advanced age make it even more difficult to stick to an exercise plan.
Home & Hearth Caregivers wants to help older adults stay active by sharing these exercise tips for seniors:
- Self-confidence: It’s normal for seniors to feel overwhelmed with the idea of meeting workout goals. It might help to begin slowly with workouts that are easily accomplished and advance gradually; and, motivate the senior with frequent support.
- Attitude: Attitude is everything with regards to physical fitness. If approached negatively, it’s going to be much harder to maintain an effective exercise routine. Choose activities that’ll be enjoyable and that the senior can look forward to.
- Pain: The saying, “No pain, no gain” simply is not true. Older adults should avoid overdoing it, and cut back the known degree of intensity if experiencing pain or discomfort.
- Disabilities: Seniors with physical or cognitive restrictions can and should remain active within their ability level. Check with the physician for a referral to a personal trainer or physical therapist who can put together a program of specialized exercises.
- Fear of Injury/Balance Problems: You will find many different assistive products to allow for safe, effective exercising.
- Financial Concerns: It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to stay fit! Walking and other simple exercises in and around the senior’s home, using ordinary household items can be incorporated into an exercise program at little to no expense.
- Illness or Fatigue: Workouts may be tailored to match the senior’s energy level, and he or she may slowly increase endurance level over time.
Bear in mind that the key to ongoing success with an exercise program is to ensure the older adult feels comfortable and safe with the plan and the exercises. If soreness is noted in muscles or bones the following day after exercising, a reduced intensity can be implemented; and check with the doctor if the pain or discomfort persists.
Home & Hearth Caregivers in Illinois will work with your family member’s physician to develop a safe fitness plan in accordance with his or her abilities to increase strength, independence, and overall quality of life. Give us a call at 800-349-0663 for more exercise tips for seniors, and to find out more about how our in-home senior care in IL can help your senior loved one thrive!