Our Blogs

When “Let Me Help” Is Harming Your Loved One

“Here, let me help you with that.” “Don’t overdo it now!” “Maybe you should sit here and rest; I’ll take care of that.” How often have we made suggestions such of these to older individuals, with the very best of intentions, of course? We want to do what we’re able to help our senior loved ones; to help them stay…

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Redefining a Sense of Purpose in the Senior Years

Search online for “activities for seniors” and you’re guaranteed to find numerous crafts, games, memory stimulation puzzles, and naturally, the requisite bingo. What you will not find, unless you really search much more, are the significant, beneficial activities that bring meaning to our lives. And yet, if you ask older individuals what they would most like to do, most of…

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Choose a Professional Home Care Agency for Ease of Care

When you are looking for in home care for elderly loved ones, there are many available possibilities, and deciding where to turn can be overwhelming. For example, should you work with a professional home care agency, a privately hired caregiver, or use a caregiving registry? And how can you figure out which home care option is optimal for your loved…

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Have Diabetes? Learn the Steps to Protect Your Kidneys

Did you know…diabetes is the #1 cause of kidney failure? In fact, as many as 40 percent of those with diabetes will develop chronic kidney disease. What is the relationship between diabetes and kidney disease? Our kidneys, in addition to balancing chemicals in the body, controlling blood pressure and keeping our bones healthy, also remove waste and extra fluid from…

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Chronic Kidney Disease Doesn’t Mean You Need to Leave Home

For older adults who prefer to remain in the comfort of home as they grow older – and, who doesn’t? – in-home care, like that offered by the Orland Park IL in home care providers at Home & Hearth Caregivers, offers a lifeline, providing help with activities that become challenging with aging and allowing for safety, security and independence. But…

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Kidney Disease Nutrition Strategies Help Reduce Symptoms

As the saying goes, you are what you eat, and for individuals with kidney disease, it’s even more vital that a proper nutritional plan be put into practice in order to reduce symptoms, such as nausea, pain, swelling and others, and to perhaps even slow down the advancement of the disease. Oak Brook, IL home care provider, Home & Hearth…

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Kidney Disease: What You Need to Know to Adapt & Thrive

The LaGrange, IL home care experts at Home & Hearth Caregivers want to help you understand the signs your kidneys might be sending. Loss of appetite. Hiccups. Itching. Difficulty sleeping. These are just a handful of the many seemingly innocuous indicators that could perhaps mean kidney disease. And with upwards of 20 million people in the U.S. fighting the disease,…

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Try These Simple Ways to Promote Independence in Seniors

In a previous blog post, we stressed the importance of overcoming the impulse to do everything for an older loved one, and as much as possible, promoting independence in seniors. While this is certainly easier said than done, there are some steps you can take towards reaching this goal. The experts at professional home care services, Home & Hearth Caregivers,…

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Maintaining Independence with a Little Help from Technology

In the days when our parents were young, phones were still attached to walls, mail was delivered by postmen, and if adult children lived far away from their parents, checking in on them was comprised of asking someone nearby to stop in for a visit. If someone was housebound because of illness or infirmity, isolation could quickly set in. Social…

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