In Home Care Costs – Affordable Options

Do the prospects of excessive in home care costs concern you? Seniors and their families often fear not having enough money, or enough of the appropriate insurance coverage, to cover all of the care they may need in their final years. And along with that, a secondary looming fear can be that all of their savings–  even their home– may have to be relinquished in order to pay for hospitalization nursing home or in home…

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Avoid These 3 Elderly Care Mistakes

Everyone wants to do their very best when providing or choosing elderly care their senior loved one. There can be so many pressures from all sides (family, friends, employers, personal finances, etc.), and your time is both limited and usually filled with raw emotions. It’s easy to make choices which may seem good at first, but are later regretted. There are many factors to consider. Here are some important points to…

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Hospice Care for the Final Days—Or Months

Home is the preferred place for most seniors to age. For a number of years, that may be a relatively easy option. But the final months or weeks may become especially scary, painful, or difficult to manage at home. That’s when hospice care is there to help. Hospice care is a wonderful service that’s generally staffed by caring individuals committed to helping your loved one experience…

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Falls and Fractures In The Elderly – 3 Prevention Techniques

Long before a senior needs full-time care, they begin to lose some physical ability or steadiness. Often simultaneously, they also tend to become more fragile. Falls and fractures in the elderly are so common that one out of every three people over 65 fall at least once each year! You may recognize your loved one’s condition and you may be afraid of them…

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Technology and Senior Care – Enhance Your Independence!

While technology won’t cure disease or prevent aging, there are a number of companies with devices and apps that are aimed at helping you care for your loved ones–even when you can’t be in their home with them. And anything that removes stress, helps maintain healthy routines, and alerts you to possible dangers can also contribute to better health. Combining technology and senior care can make a difference. A system that…

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Alzheimer’s Patient Care – 4 Things To Do

The specific requirements of caring for your loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia depends on what stage their mental deterioration has reached. As their condition progresses, not only will they need more direct care, but changes may need to be made in their living conditions. Whatever stage your loved one is at, here are four important things that you should do:…

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Dementia Patients Awaken Their Senses Through Music Therapy

It is estimated that four million Americans are currently suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease or a related form of dementia. Almost half of all nursing home patients suffer from the disease. There, we often find dementia patients slumped over in wheelchairs, seemingly unresponsive. Communicating with older loved ones in later stages of dementia and finding ways to offer them some quality of…

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Older Adult Driver – When Is It No Longer Safe?

Driving is a symbol of freedom and independence. Many people find it hard to give up driving, even when they know they can no longer do it safely. On the other hand, sometimes a senior knows in their heart they should stop driving, but continues to drive because they are unaware of other, more suitable options. If you have concerns about an older adult driver,…

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4 Facts In Alzheimer’s Care

Alzheimer’s disease accounts for a majority of dementia cases. Regardless of what you call it, Alzheimer’s care can create challenges for both family and professional caregivers. The time it takes for Alzheimer’s to run its course varies from person to person. It seems to be affected by gender as well as the onset of age. There is no way to accurately predict the timing of…

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One More Step – Three Key Words in Temporary Care

When a person has had an injury, serious illness, or minor stroke, rehabilitation exercises can be hard–mentally and physically. Exercise can be boring for anyone, but especially tedious when the smallest movements are difficult or painful. Too often the effort reminds you of what you can not do, and with that there is the attending anxiety of wondering if you will ever be able to do it again. Seniors have lived…

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